Sunday, April 6, 2014

Storyboard - Adolescent Learner Engagement


Project Title - Introduction
A moving shot of myself walking through an computer lab introducing topic
Explanation for why students are increasingly doing more coursework online
Close-up shot of hands of students typing on computer with graphics of bulleted talking points appearing on the screen

Key Question – Are adolescents motivated to learn online? How do we keep adolescents actively engaged in online learning?
Video clip of students learning online, without teacher assistance – at home and in computer lab

Discussion point – Online community and collaboration (Palloff and Pratt)
Blurred wide shot of students working at a computer with graphics of bulleted talking points appearing on screen

Discussion point – Learning styles addressed, public education requirements IDEA
Bullet slide highlighting three to five approaches

Role of Administrators in supporting online adolescent learners
Images of administrators and district admin building (2 to 3 pics)

Role of Instructors in supporting online adolescent learners
Images of students interacting with students working online (2 to 3 pics)

1 comment:

  1. Bianca,
    I like your ideas for your video clips and your bullet points. It gives me ideas for my video also. Do you have an idea of a speaker? I know that we do not have to make the video about a certain speaker, but the idea, but I know for myself, knowing the speaker gave me ideas. I have heard Matt twice and he has influenced my views on digital textbooks and no textbooks in my classroom.
